Research on the Gig Economy for Citi Ventures



Citi Ventures challenged us to design and pitch a solution based on the future implications of the Gig Economy in the US. Through conducting primary and secondary research, facilitating multiple workshops (including sensemaking and ideation), and developing personas and lo-fi prototypes, we focused on formulating a concept that would be beneficial and fiscally feasible for our chosen client.

Pitched concept is continued here, Shift Happens.


This ethnographic video was created early on through multiple primary research interviews. Video created with Adobe Premiere Pro.

Sensemaking/Synthesis Workshop

Comprised of three thought-provoking activities; one icebreaker, one writing exercise, and one-word scramble, while continuously proctoring discussion throughout the duration of the one-hour workshop.


Multiple interviews were performed with today’s gig workers and economic experts to understand the deep issues affecting the state of economic mobility and the gig economy.

Prototyping Workshop

This session of prototyping was revolved around naming our concept. We testing two rounds, starting with combining an ACTION & NOUN. Further prototyping is continued here, Shift Happens.