Usability testing for a venture-backed health startup

kensho health logo


Kensho Health is an early stage, venture-backed holistic health platform that connects you to information and practitioners in the holistic health space.

I joined in the middle of Kensho’s user testing sprint to consult on a comprehensive discussion guide and led all user testing sessions for both mobile and desktop. 

Take a look at what Kensho is up to here.

kensho health website on computer displayed on a chair
kensho health website screenshot


kensho health website on mobile


Consulted the team on the development of the comprehensive discussion guide used in user testing sessions.


Conducted six virtual testing sessions that were completed in one week’s timespan for desktop and mobile platforms.


Surfaced insights based on user flows.



kensho health website on desktop

When exploring a new resource, users like to given recommendations based on their issue and can become frustrated or feel lost if they can’t quickly find their answer. 

Through this user research sprint, we discovered some of usability issues, like this, that inhibited user flow. Necessary UI adjustments have since been implemented in the current live product.


Scheduling and commitment issues with initially selected users

User flows hiccups on new COVID-19 focused additions


After sprint, currently developing cleaner funnel to conversion

Quickly discovered a > $ incentive insured user commitment